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Within the scope of the Kieran Chronicles, an Archetype refers to the role that a given character plays or fulfills during a certain time frame. A character may embody any number of Archetypes at any point, sometimes temporarily.
E.g. the character Rhea from the Windshifter Chronicle begins as an instance of the Daughter Archetype, after growing to trust and depend on that Chronicle's Luca, but following their reunion in Alterea she no longer depends on Luca and thus no longer qualifies under Daughter. Later on, she

Archetype Initialization

Initialization occurs when a subject, event, or force deemed 'worthy of note' is recorded by the Scribe. These initial details range from being little more than a framework, such as with Ixia and the Daughter Archetype, to a fine-tuned set of specifics, as is the case with the Luca Archetype.

Archetype Realization

The first occurrence of an Archetype following Initialization, responsible for solidifying much of the finer details as well as reshaping the initial Archetype. This is where the generic Daughter became a Bonded Archetype, etc. This is also where the Archetype's 'requirements' take form.

Archetype Fulfillment

Should a person, place, or force meet the requirements of a previous Archetype, they are considered to have 'fulfilled' that Archetype and thus become an occurrence. Fulfillment inevitably alters the subject, and may alter others as well.

Archetype Revision

An Archetype may change over time, often to become more specific, detailed, and potent. It is here where Luca is reborn each time, where one incarnation's injured arm becomes the next one's birth defect. Note that not every Fulfillment results in a Revision; the older the Archetype itself is, the harder it is for it to be Revised.

The following is an alphabetically-ordered list of used/known Archetypes.

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